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  • What can cause pain in the back of the knee when straightening the leg?

    Pain in the back of the knee when straightening the leg is called posterior knee pain. Finding the cause can be difficult as it can come from problems with the bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, or vascular system.

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  • Average hip, knee replacement patient may be getting younger

    People might think of the typical joint replacement patient as a senior aged 65 or older, but the surgery is becoming much more common among younger adults with chronic joint pain.

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  • More women report hip fractures earlier in life, research finds

    Older women with low bone density are more likely to experience their first hip fracture in their 60s compared to older ages, according to research being presented Sunday at ENDO 2024, the Endocrine Society's annual meeting in Boston, Mass.

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  • What Is Iliopsoas Bursitis?

    Iliopsoas bursitis, also called hip bursitis, is inflammation of the iliopsoas bursa. This bursa is a large fluid-filled sac found under the iliopsoas muscle, which supports hip movement. The iliopsoas bursa provides cushion for tendons, ligaments, and muscles to prevent friction during movement.

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  • Should You Worry About Joints Cracking or Popping?

    Cracking and popping joints, medically known as crepitus, are normal. Joints are points in your body where two bones meet. You might occasionally hear your knees popping or notice your back or bones crack as you move them.

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